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Q: Why is Canada concerned about acid rain?
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How many trees are killed in Canada by acid rain?


What are 3 of Canada 's enviromental concerns?

Overfishing, Overmining, and Acid Rain

Slogan for acid rain?

pollution goes up into the sky, then the acid rain will make you cry.

Why is acid rain not a local problem?

Acid rain isnt a local problem, it is an international problem. It is caused by the world wide nation

Can you buy Wolf's Rain in Canada?

Yes , Wolf's Rain can be purchased through Canada - see related link below .

Related questions

About half of the acid rain in canada comes from the US?

Yes, approximately half of the acid rain in Canada is attributed to sources in the United States, particularly in the Midwest where industrial emissions are prevalent. This cross-border pollution highlights the importance of international cooperation in addressing environmental issues.

What is the pH of acid rain in Canada?


Can you cite an example where acid rain has damaged a building or an area?

Acid rain has stunted the growth of forests in Canada.

What place in Canada gets acid rain?


Why is acid rain from the US a problem in Canada?

Air pollution,

How many trees are killed in Canada by acid rain?


What areas have problems with acid rain?

Southwest Canada, Southeast China, and Taiwan.

What are 3 of Canada 's enviromental concerns?

Overfishing, Overmining, and Acid Rain

What are two problems affecting Canada's economy?

Two problems affecting Canada's economy is Quebec wanting to withdraw from Canada and acid rain ruining Canada's lakes and forest. Glad to help :)

How have Canada and the US worked together to solve acid rain?

stop air polution

Conclusion of acid rain?

Acid rain is a result of pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, mixing with precipitation, causing a decrease in pH levels. It can harm aquatic life, damage crops, erode buildings, and impact human health. Mitigation strategies include reducing emissions from industries and vehicles, and using cleaner energy sources.

What is rain or snow with an acid pH that makes soil and water on Earth more acidic?

Acid rain or snow is a serious environmental problem that affects large parts of the United States and Canada. Acid rain and snow is very damaging to the ecosystems in these areas.