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Q: Why is Charlemagne important to the arts?
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Were Arts and learning important in the Age of Charlemagne?

Arts and learning were very important to Charlemagne. He founded schools and made policies designed to make his country literate. The period of his reign is called the Carolingian Renaissance because of the importance of culture in his time.

Describe the visual arts during the time of Charlemagne?

the arts of charlemagne's time was flat and uneducated

What are two qualities that made Charlemagne a great king?

I suppose different people would choose different things, but I would say Charlemagne's two most important qualities as a leader were his military ability and his respect for learning and the arts.

To which people did Charlemagne bestow special favors?

teachers of liberal arts

Does Charlemagne deserve to be called great?

I would say Charlemagne does deserve to be called great. He was a very important positive influence in the history of Europe, and a great patron of arts and learning. Others might disagree, so do some research and decide for yourself.

Why is the sword so important to Charlemagne?

Charlemagne is said always to have carried a sword. Also his favorite sword is said to have been one called Joyeuse. Joyeuse is mentioned in literature many times, and remained important as a relic of Charlemagne's life. I have not seen a reason it was so important to Charlemagne, but the is a link to an article on it below.

What was Charlemagne belief?

Charlemagne felt that learning was extremely important and started what became known as the "Carolingian Renaissance".

What does Charlemagne love?

he likes school and mostly liberal arts. He aslo shows compashion for his children and church.

What crucial developments occurred during the reign of Charlemagne Why were they important?

Most of Western Europe was united into the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne. This was the first time this had happened since the fall of the Roman Empire. The term Carolingian Renaissance is often applied to this period as the arts and intellectual activity also experienced a rebirth.

Why Charlemagne important?

i guess cause he was a king of franks

What were Charlemagne's accomplishment?

He established many schools and monasteries across Europe. He also brought the rebirth of learning and the arts.

What were Charlemagne's accomplishments?

He established many schools and monasteries across Europe. He also brought the rebirth of learning and the arts.