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Q: Why is China considered the first modern state How long did this first Chinese state last?
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Sun Yat-sen is considered to be the Father of Chinese Independence. He was the first president of the Republic of China.

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Was Chinese the first written language?

Chinese was not the first written language; Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs are considered some of the earliest forms of writing dating back to around 3000 BCE. Chinese writing emerged around 1200 BCE during the Shang Dynasty in China.

Who was the First culture to use a gun?

The first culture known to have used guns is believed to be the Chinese. Gunpowder, which is the main component of firearms, was invented in China during the 9th century. Chinese inventors created various early gunpowder weapons such as primitive flamethrowers and bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder, which can be considered precursors to modern firearms. These early developments in China eventually paved the way for the evolution of more sophisticated firearms in different parts of the world.

Who were the first people who lived in China?

Chinese people

Why was China considered to be the first modern state?

China has experienced rapid growth over the past couple decades.Today, the average household in china has an automobile and other domestic pleasantries that any modern country would.

Who was China named after?

The first Chinese Emperor was Qin Shi Huang, of which China was named after.

What was the first non Chinese dynasty?

What you mean by non Chinese dynasty?All the dynastis in China are chinese dynasties.

Who was the Mongolian leader who first conquered the Chinese by storming over the great wall of china?

Atitla The Hun. Kublai Khan was the first non han Chinese to rule/conquer china but mongolian is part of the 56 races of the Chinese so mongolain is Chinese.

Who invented the first Sundial in ancient China?

The ancient chinese

What was the first Chinese imperial dynasty?

xia dynasty is the first dynasty in history of China.

Who is the ruler of china?

Qin Shi Huangdi, First Chinese Emperor