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Q: Why is Covalent bonding a cohesive property that allows water molecules to attached to polar surfaces?
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Is cohesion a property of water?

It is a physical property because no new substance is formed.

What is the cohesive properties of the water?

This property due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules is the cause of the water molecules sticking.

What is the attraction between substances of the same kind?

The attraction between substances of the same kind is called cohesive attraction or cohesive force. It is the property of similar molecules to stick together.

Why is covalent bonding an important property of Carbon?

Covalent bonding enables several molecules to share electrons to produce long chains of compounds.


Te tension on the surface of an object.

What element can form diatomic molecules joined by a sigle covalent bond?

All of the elements hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine have this property.

What is the process through which water is lost through the plant's stoma?

Evaporation. Water molecules have a cohesive property, so as water molecules closest to the stoma evaporate and diffuse through the stoma they will pull the water molecules from the xylem behind them. These water molecules will evaporate too and draw more water up.

Why do droplets of water form shperical shapes?

This is due to water's cohesive property.

2 How can you explain Cohesion and adhesion in term of water molecules?

Water has both cohesive and adhesive forces. They are similar.The cohesive of water describes how the molecules of water are attracted to one another. We observe the cohesive forces of water when we see a drop of water sitting on a surface. The water does not spread because the molecules are attracted to one another. Surface tension of water is due to its cohesive properties.The cohesive forces of water are due to hydrogen bonding between molecules.Adhesive properties of water are how the molecules are attracted to other substances. We observe the adhesive forces of water when we see the edge of water in a glass is attracted up on the sides of the glass. This is most apparent when the diameter of the glass vessel is less than a centimetre. It is called a meniscus. Trees use this adhesive property of water to help suck water up from the ground. If the diameter of the glass is small enough, as in a glass capillary, the water will rise up the tube by itself due to adhesive forces.

Which property of water allows it to act as a transport medium?

Water acts as a very effective transport medium inside plants and living things. It is due to water's hydrogen bond that makes water molecules cohesive (stick together).

Which is a property of a substance formed with a covalent bond?


What defines personal property?

Personal Property is property that is not real property nor property that is attached to the land.