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Dionysus used to be a lesser god or a god made by one god and one something or other. In this case it was Zeus having a afair with a mortal. However after Hestia, goddess of the home and hearth, left Mount Olympus because she was tired ofthe gods fighting Zeus replaced Hestia with Dionysus. Dionysus then took Hestia's chair on Mount Olympus.

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Q: Why is Dionysus the only guy to have his throne on the women's side?
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Is Dionysus the only one to have his throne on the womens side of the throne room?

Dionysus was made one of the Olympians when Hestia gave up her throne to him in order to avoid war breaking out amongst the gods. Assuming that he took the actual physical place of the throne itself, yes, he is the only one.

How did doionysus is the only guy to have his throne on the womens side of the throne in olmpus?

hestia a sweet and gentle goddess gave up her throne so Dionysus could have it and so she could tend to the sacred hearth of olmpus

How did dionysus his throne on the womans side of the throne room in Olympus?

because they wanted to have a clan with them

Why does Dionysus sit on the womens's side of the trown room in oylpmus?

In Greek myth he does not.

Why did Dionysus sit on the women's side at Olympus?

Dionysus sat on the women 's side because Hestia gave up her throne to Dionysus,Hestia was a major goddess at first.

Who was the last Greek god?

Dionysus was the last god to join Mount Olympus. He replace Hestia when she left because she was tired of the gods bickering with each other. This is also why Dionysus's throne is the only one on the women's side of the throne room.

How did Dionysus get his throne on the woman's side of the throne room in Olympus?

Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, in order to keep the balance and peace on Olympus gave up her throne to prevent battle because Dionysus wanted a throne on the council when he became a god.

Who offered dionysus a throne?

Hestia did.When there were no seats left for the young Olympian,Hestia gave up her seat for him.That's why he sits on the women's side of Olympus.

What side was Dionysus on in the Trojan war?


Did Dionysus have any aunts?

Yes on both his mother's side and on his father's side, Dionysus had aunts. When the mother of Dionysus is Semele, the daughter of Cadmus and the goddess Harmonia. Her sisters and Dionysus's aunts are Ino (who later became the goddess Leucothea), Agaue (Agave), and Autonoe who long haired Aristaios (Aristaeus) wedded. On his father Zeus's side, his aunts were Hera, Demeter and Hestia.

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What happens to Beowulf's throne when the dragon is rampaging?

Beowulf's throne is abandoned when the dragon starts rampaging. Only Wiglaf remains by Beowulf's side to help him in the battle against the dragon.