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Q: Why is Douglass saying thar liberty is a mockery for former slaves?
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yeas he invented computer cords and a story writing that is wrong that is fredrick the one this person is saying is fredErick DOUGLASS he invented speeches and quotes

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bye saying good bye to them

Did Frederick Douglass go to college?

Frederick Douglass never went to college, but when he was about 12 years old, Sophia Auld would teach Frederick Douglass the Alphabet until, her husband, Hugh Auld stopped her saying it would cause slaves to rebel

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"Give me liberty or give me death!"

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they where saying give me my pp back

What was the message frederik Douglass was saying?

"I am opposed to war, because I am a believer in Christianity. I am opposed to war, because I am a lover of my race.

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Steven Kanumba

How did the sons and daughters of liberty respond to new british laws?

bye saying good bye to them

What were pro-slavery responses to Frederick Douglass narrative?

Those who were pro-slavery responded to Frederick Douglass by saying his story was the exception to the rule. They claimed the violence against slaves was exaggerated. They also said slaves were inferior to white people and that is was only natural for them to be held as slaves.

Who said Where liberty is there is your country?

It is attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but there is no convincing record of him saying that and the quote is considered to be apocryphal.

I would like to do a background check to see what a former empployer is saying about be ?

There isn't much you can do to determine what a former employer is saying about your time there, except that in Tennesee, it is illegal for an employer to say anything except how long you worked there and if you are eligable for rehire. You could have an employment service call them.