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The Earth's orbit is elliptical and its nearest approach to the Sun happens about two weeks after the December solstice. This is winter for the northern hemisphere.

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Q: Why is Earth closer to the Sun in winter?
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Why is it true that when the sun is closer to the earth that the northern hemisphere is in winter?

Yes, the sun is slightly closer to the earth in the winter. It is colder because the slant of the earth's axis is away from the sun.

When is the earth closes to the sun in summer or winter?

The earth is actually closer to the sun during the winter in the northern hemisphere

The earth in its orbit moving closer to the sun causes what on earth?

Well winter happens when we are closest to the sun.

Why does the angular diameter of the sun as seen from earth appear to be greater during our winter than summer?

earth is closer to the Sun during our winter

Why does the sun look bigger in winter?

The way the earth is positioned on it's axes during the winter months positiones the sun closer to the earth.

What orbit does the earth take?

it is an ellipse and earth is closer to the sun when the northern half has winter

Is the sun closer to earth today than in BC?

No, Only on the winter

Is the closer to the sun in the summer?

No, the earth is further away from the sun when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, and closer in the winter, but because of the earth's axial tilt it receives the sun's rays more directly in summer.

Is the Earth much closer to the Sun at any time during its motion around the Sun?

yes during winter. That's winter in the Northern hemisphere.

Why does the sun heat up the earth more in the summer time than winter?

Reason is simple, we know earth revolves around the sun, in the winter earth comes closer to sun in it's elliptical orbit. The distance between the Earth and the sun during winter is more than during summer, that is reason why earth gets more energy from the sun in summer compared with winter.

Is Uranus closer to the sun then earth is?

no the earth is closer to the sun that Uranus

Is the US closer to the sun during the winter or the summer?

Neither. The United States (assuming that's what you meant), is a territory of land on the surface of the planet earth and thus does not move in respect to the rest of the planet. If your question was: "Is the planet earth closer to the sun during the winter or the summer of the northern hemisphere?" Then the answer would be that the planet earth is slightly closer (by 0.033 AU or ~ 5 million km) to the sun during the winter solstice than the summer solstice.