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The reason why english is a germanic language and not a romance language is because when the romans kicked the germans out of rome. the germans were so mad that they took at lot from other languages around the time such as french and spanish and put there own german spin on them.

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Is English a primarily a romance language?

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Is German a romance language?

No, German is not a romance language. It belongs to the Germanic language family, along with English, Dutch, and Swedish. Romance languages are derived from Latin and include languages like Spanish, French, and Italian.

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What languages is the base for romance languages?

English language

Is English considered a Romance language?

No, it is classified by linguists as a Germanic language.

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Artificial language based on words common to English and the romance languages?

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Which language family do English and Italian belong to?

English and Italian both belong to the Indo-European language family. More specifically, Italian is considered a Romance language while English is Germantic.

How did the Phoenicians invent this language?

The Phoenicians are credited with the invention of the alphabet used for the English language and other Romance languages.

What is Italian classed as?

Romance Language, as opposed to a Germanic language like English, is the way that Italian is classed linguistically.

What 3 languages make up the romance language?

Roman Catholic, English, French