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By having a story told in 3rd person, readers are able to obtain more than one person's opinion. This also alows Christopher Paolini to move between main characters such as Eragon and Roran.

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Eragon is told in third person to provide a broader perspective beyond just Eragon's thoughts and feelings, allowing the reader to see the world and other characters more fully. This narrative style also helps build tension and suspense, as events unfold from an outside viewpoint.

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"Eragon" is written in the third-person limited point of view, following the perspective of the main character, Eragon. The narrative describes events the protagonist experiences, conveying his thoughts, feelings, and actions to the reader.

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yes, it makes a huge difference, cause in the 3rd person it is easy er to switch, so you even know what happens with, for example, roran. Saphira1

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