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Q: Why is Florida warm but not Nunavut?
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Why do you think there is such a great shift in climate from southern florida to northern Nunavut?

Most of Florida is dry, and hot because it is closer to the Equator. Nunavut is located farther away from the equator and more North, so it is a lot colder.

Why there is such a great shift in climate from the southern Florida to the northern Nunavut?

Because they are fare away

Why do you think there is such a great shift on climate from southern Florida to Northern Nunavut?

bhecause its very long. :)

Why did people move to Nunavut?

Because its to warm every were else. And they cant find jobs so they are homeless.

Is Florida warm?

Always because Florida is closer to the equator.

Is the Florida panther warm blooded or cold blooded?

warm blooded

Florida's main crop?

it is the orange cause its warm in Florida and it grows easier in warm weather

Why is Florida awesome?

Florida is SO AWESOME because for exsample in Canada i here that it its cold in the winter but here in Florida , its warm all the time and theres no bugs its to warm !!

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Why is Nunavut called Nunavut?

Nunavut is called Nunavut because in the langueges they speak Nunavut means our land.

Are Florida Panthers warm-blooded?

Yes, all mammals are warm blooded.

How warm is it in California right now?

The Florida Current is a warm current.