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Hellenism is a prime example of cultural diffusion. The extent of Hellenization and whether it resulted from was a deliberate policy or mere cultural diffusion, have been debated among historians. This process was two-way one, rather than a unidirectional one. Whilst Greek culture spread in the areas which came under Greek rule, the Greek rulers also adopted local customs. Hellenization was often concentrated in the cities founded by the Greeks and their surroundings. It often did not spread to the countryside.

Greek influence spread in the territories conquered by Alexander the Great (who conquered the Persian Empire) and continued when his conquests were partitioned among his generals. The Seleucid Empire was established in most of the former Persian territories in Asia which was ruled by the Seleucid dynasty and had Antioch (in Syria) a city founded the Greek general Seleucus I Nicator, as its capital. The Ptolemaic dynasty ruled Egypt. The capital of the Ptolemaic kingdom was Alexandria, which was founded by Alexander the Great. An Indo-Greek Kingdom was established in Tajikistan, Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. It was founded when the Greco-Bactrian king Demetrius invaded India.

Alexander tried to create an amalgam between Greeks and Persians. He tried to create a unified Greek and Persian ruling class through intermarriages, the promotion of both Greeks and Persians to positions of power and the adoption of elements of the Persian court formalities. Alexander needed the loyalty of Persian nobles. He tried to introduce the Persian practice of bowing to superiors to the Greeks, but this was resented, as the Greek bowed only for the gods. He recruited Persian soldiers into his army to increase its manpower. He married to the Bactrian princess Roxana to create a royal dynasty acceptable to both Greeks and Persians. Alexander founded Greek colonies across his empire. These were probably administrative centres. Greek veterans where settled in these colonies to bolster control over the conquered areas.

Under Alexander's successors there was further influx of Greeks in Asia and Egypt and new cities were founded to bolster Greek control. These cities were centres of Greek cultural diffusion. It was the result of increased Greek presence, rather than of an active cultural policy. The Greeks also adopted local customs. Ptolemy I Soter, the first Hellenistic king of Egypt portrayed himself as a pharaoh and all subsequent Ptolemaic kings and queens were seen as pharaohs. He also adopted the Egyptian custom of rulers being god-kings. The Ptolemies also adopted the Egyptian tradition of allowing women to be queens and of brothers and sisters marrying to be joint monarchs. In the Indo-Greek kingdom some kings converted to Buddhism. Therefore, Hellenism developed its regional variations.

Greek religion was influenced by the Egyptians and Syrians. The Egyptian goddess and god Isis and Serapes and the Syrian gods Atargatis and Hadad were added to the Greek pantheon. Hellenistic philosophy, especially Stoicism and Epicureanism, had an influence of the educated elites of Syria and Egypt and on the Romans. Greek architecture, sculpture and pottery influenced art on the Mediterranean and in Rome. Alexandria and Antioch became major centres of (Greek) learning. The library of Alexandria was one of the largest, if not the largest, one in the ancient world. It was a Greek Library. Greek became the lingua franca of the eastern Mediterranean.

The Romans also became Hellenised. The elites received an education in both Latin and Greek and spoke Greek fluently. The pinnacle of their education was a stay in Greece to study Greek Philosophy. The Romans adopted the Greek architectural orders for their temples and porticoes. They copied Hellenistic and classical Greek statues and modelled theirs on these. They adopted Greek medicine, and the Greek cranes and catapults.

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