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Because Islam was protected and is perfect while Christianity started off as true and perfect but was changed as it was passed on.

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Q: Why is Islam still a true religion while Christianity is not?
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Which one religion has the most population in the world?

Islam is the fastest growing religion while Christianity is the biggest religion.

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Canadians have the religion Christianity while morroccan have a religion Islam

What is the second-oldest religion Christianity or Islam?

Christianity, not Islam, is the second oldest religion. They were both preceded by the Hebrew monotheistic religion, and by the non-monotheistic Zoroastrian religion and many other different beliefs involving worship of idols and natural phenomena.

What is the Statistic religion in the world?

The largest religion in the world is Christianity, followed by Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Christianity has the most followers globally, with over 2 billion adherents, while Islam is the second largest with over 1.9 billion followers.

Is the musslem and Islam the same religion?

Answer:They both are the same in a way because people who believe in Islam are called Muslims. It is also different because Muslims are the people that believe in Islam but are not Islam itself, Islam is a religion while Muslims are people who believe in it. As an example Lava and Magma are the same but still different. Lava is magma but is cooler in temperature and has been exposed to air. Magma is the opposite it is lava that is hotter in temperature and has not yet touched air, it is also lava that is beneath Earth's surface. That may not be the best example for Islam and Muslims but is fairly appropriate.ANSWER:The followers of Islam are called Muslims. For example who follow Christianity are called Christian and who follows Buddhism are called Buddhists.

What were the main religons in the 1900?

The main religions in the 1900s globally included Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Christianity and Islam were the largest religions in terms of followers, with Christianity being predominant in the Americas and Europe, while Islam was prevalent in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Hinduism was the dominant religion in India, while Buddhism was widely practiced in East and Southeast Asia.

What religion ivolves water while on pilgrimage?

well allot of religions do for instance Islam Mormonism and Christianity all move out to try to get freedom

Do aboriginals have religion?

Yes. While it is an "informal" tribal religion, as opposed to religion as popularly defined in the west (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), the Australian aboriginees (spelling?) do indeed have their own religious practices, beliefs and mythologies.

What is Christianity and Islam?

Islamic perspective:They are both monotheistic God religions. Christianity is God religion per the Bible God revelation to Jesus while Islam is God religion per Qur'an God revelation to Muhammad (peace be upon them both). The two religion followers constitute the highest world percentage among all other religions. Refer to related questions below.

If you are a mulism and try to follow all the commandment and pray five times a day are Christian's the only religion going to heaven if not how if there are different beliefs?

Christianity is not the only religion that announces that a person will go to Heaven if people are in that religion. In Islam, God promised us that He will sent Muslims to Heaven so long that they are striving to serve and please Him. Islam and Christianity are different since Islam believes that God is one and Muhammad is His slave and messenger while Christianity believes in Jesus Christ as he died on the cross for their sins and that he is God. (Astaghfirullah)

What are the two most common religions in Africa?

Islam and Christianity

What are some factors that impacted Islam's presence in Asia?

Both Christianity and Islam had limited success in areas where Hinduism and Buddhism were dominant. However, Islam succesfully spread to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, where animism was still the dominant belief system. The spread of Islam in the Philippines also coincided with the arrival of Christianity. Christianity was successful in the colonised north, while Islam succeeded in the south, which was largely ignored by the Spanish rulers.