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We Christians have salvation only after Jesus died and rose again, after the resurrection.

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Q: Why is Jesus' death and resurrection so important in the Christian understanding of grief and loss?
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Why was belief in the Resurrection important to Jesus disciples and other christian?

It was important because he was the son of god.

Why do some people say there is no importance in Jesus' resurrection?

It is hard to understand why some people would believe that there is no imortance in Jesus' resurrection. Whether or not the resurrection really happened, it is important as the very basis for Christian belief.

Why was Jesus the greatest christian leader?

Christianity is based on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Without His death and resurrection there would be no Christianity.

Do Christians believe in Resurrection?

If a church believes that the Bible is true then it will believe in the resurrection. Also, since the resurrection is an essential Christian doctrine and the Christian faith is meaningless without it, you could not disbelieve it and still be considered Christian in any sense.

Is jesus rose from death?

Yes. It is the foundation of the Christian faith, Jesus' death and resurrection.

Why was the Resurrection more important than the Crucifixion?

Our hope for the future is guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus.

Why was it important for christians that Jesus died?

The resurrection is what is important, but you can't have a resurrection without first having a death.

What is the Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead called?

The Holy IntoxicationAnswer:It is called the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is to say, the bodily, living appearance of Jesus of Nazareth after He died and was buried, providing certain hope for resurrection of believers. It is the foundational belief of Christians.

What did the christian base their reigion on?

The based their religion on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What are two reasons to agree with Jesus' resurrection?

A:As a Christian you would agree with the historicity of Jesus' resurrection i) because it is a central teaching of Christianity, and ii) because not to do so would begin to call into doubt the reliabilty of the gospel records. As a non-Christian you would not need to agree with the historicity of Jesus' resurrection for either of these reasons.

Was Jesus raised in a Christian home?

Jesus of Nazareth was raised in a Jewish home. Christianity was not formed until after Jesus' death and His resurrection.

What does Easter remember?

The Christian holiday of Easter celebrates a proof of the resurrection by the discovery of an empty tomb from which Christ arose. So the resurrection preceded the "first day of the week" which is reported.