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Because he baptised Jezus

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Q: Why is John the Baptist an important role model in the Catholic church?
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What religion goes to Baptist church?

Baptists attend the baptist church. Some baptists do not label themselves as protestant because many try to follow the New Testament model in the letters of Paul in the Bible without reference to the Catholic church traditions.

.Why did Catholic Church leaders oppose Galileo's heliocentric (Sun-centered) model of the universe?

The Church thought that the Earth was the most important planet, and that it should be in the middle.

Why is Saint Joseph important to the Catholic Church?

Saint Joseph is important to the Catholic Church as the foster father of Jesus Christ and the husband of the Virgin Mary. He is considered the patron of fathers, workers, and the universal Church. Saint Joseph's humble obedience to God's will, his role in protecting and providing for the Holy Family, and his example of faith and devotion make him a significant figure in Catholic tradition.

Why does the Catholic Church choose saints?

God chooses saints. The Catholic Church screens saints by the canonization process to determine if they are indeed in Heaven and would they make a good role model.

What is one model of the Catholic Church?

.Catholic AnswerThe Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, see the Catechism, paragraphs 774, 776-77, 779, 787-96, 805-07, 1396.

Why was Galileo's tried and sentenced to house arrest by the Catholic Church?

Galileo challenged church teachings by saying that the heliocentric model of the universe was trueThe Catholic Church charged him with heresy. Due to his support of the heliocentric or sun centered theory. Which directly opposed the Church accepted theory that the sun and planets revolved around the earth.

How did Galileo's work come into conflict with the church and how was the that conflict resolved?

Galileo's work supporting the heliocentric model challenged the geocentric views held by the Catholic Church. The Church saw his ideas as heretical and forced him to recant his views under threat of excommunication. The conflict was resolved centuries later in 1992 when the Catholic Church formally acknowledged that Galileo was right and that the Church's judgment against him was a mistake.

Why does the Roman Catholic Church canonize people to sainthood?

The Church does not make saints, only God can do that. The Church has developed a lengthy and meticulous process called the canonization process to verify that the person is indeed in Heaven and would make a good role model.

Is Charley Pride Catholic?

Charley Pride's famous quote: "I do not care what the religion is called; as far as I'm concerned, one God, the God I adhere to, is in charge of all of them."

Why is Thomas Aquinas important?

Thomas Aquinas was an Italian priest in the Roman Catholic Church in the 1200s. He was a very significant figure in history as a philosopher/theologian in scholasticism (method of learning taught by academics). He published many influential works, the most widely-known of which is the Summa Theologica ("greatest theology" in Latin). His ideas had a huge influence on Western thought in areas such as ethics, natural law, and political theory. He was one of the 33 Doctors of the Catholic Church and is generally considered by such to be a model teacher, and the greatest theologian & philosopher in the Church.

Why does god model Catholic values?

The question has it backwards. Catholic values model God, since the purpose of life, in Catholic Theology, is oneness with God.

Which famous scientist and mathematician wrote the book The Starry Messenger which was later condemned by the Catholic Church?

Galileo Galilei, the Italian scientist and mathematician, wrote the book The Starry Messenger in 1610. The book described his observations made using a telescope and supported the heliocentric model of the universe. It was later condemned by the Catholic Church for contradicting the geocentric view supported by the church at the time.