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Because he is the father of Jesus. He was also the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the protector of the entire Church, an outstanding role model for all men, and a powerful intercessor.

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Q: Why is Saint Joseph important to the Catholic Church?
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Who is the patron saint of Catholic Church?

St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of the Universal Church.

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To be canonized in the Catholic Church you should be a Catholic. There are other religions that also have saints - Orthodox, Anglican, Islam, Hindus, etc. Also, a number of saints in the Catholic Church were never Catholics - Saint Joseph, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Anne, Saint Joachim, etc.

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Saint Joseph's Prairie Church was created in 1869.

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Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint Joseph was created in 1868.

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Both Saint Joseph and Saint Peter are the patron saints of the Universal Church.

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Joseph was declared a saint long before the official canonization process was instrituted by the Catholic Church. He was made a saint by popular acclaim, probably to a local bishop. Joseph was neither beatified nor canonized.

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