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Microsoft Word is a full-featured word processor. Wordpad is much more limited in what it can do compared to Microsoft Word. For very simple documents you could use Wordpad. It has basic formatting such as fonts and colours and sizes. It does not have facilities like spell checkers or mail merge. It is better than a text editor, but not as good as a full word processor. It comes as part of Windows, whereas you have to buy Microsoft Word, which is part of Microsoft Office. Microsoft costs, because you can do so much with it, so it is much better to use as a wordprocessor than Wordpad.

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Q: Why is MS Word is better than Wordpad?
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The problem you are having is not of conversion. Rather, it is of association. Saving a file as .doc in Wordpad is the same as saving it as .doc in MS Word. The problem is that your computer is set to open .doc files with MS Word rather than Wordpad. This is common, and I believe MS Word sets this association by itself when installed. Try right-clicking a .doc file and choosing the Open with... option. In the dialog that appears, choose Wordpad and tick the box that says "Always open with this application"

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Notepad is a very rudimentary one that comes with Windows. WordPad comes on recent versions of Windows, and has a little more functionality. Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Write are full featured word processors.

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MS Word 2007 has many colorful interfaces than its earlier version. It also supports docx (XML documents format) which is a newer document version than that of MS Word 2003. MS Word 2007 has a more flexible tool bar compared to 2003.

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How do you copy c program to msword?

If you want to copy C source code to a new file in MS Word, use the following steps:Open the C program in Notepad if it's not already open.Select all text (usually CTRL+A works fine).Copy that text to the clipboard (CTRL+C).Open MS Word (or Wordpad).CTRL+V to paste the C source code.Save if desired.If the C source code is in a file, and you have Windows Explorer open with that file showing, you can open MS Word, and then drag the file from Explorer to MS Word, which will open that file.

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are you from ms gardezi's class?

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