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Q: Why is Mr. Dussel surprised to see Mr. Frank and family in hiding?
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Why was Mr Dussel so surprised to see the Frank family?

Mr. Dussel was surprised to see the Frank family because he had been told that the house was empty and available for him to move in. He was not expecting anyone to be living there when he arrived.

What does Albert Dussel do for a living before he goes into hiding?

Albert Dussel worked as a dentist before he went into hiding with Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust.

Who is mr dussel?

Mr. Dussel is a character in Anne Frank's diary "The Diary of a Young Girl." He was one of the eight Jewish people who went into hiding in the Secret Annex in Amsterdam during World War II. Mr. Dussel shared a room with Anne Frank and had a tense relationship with her due to their differing personalities.

Where does Dussel sleep in the annex?

In the "Secret Annex" where Anne Frank and her family were in hiding, Mr. Dussel slept in the same room as Anne Frank and Margot Frank. The room had a movable screen that separated the girls' sleeping area from Mr. Dussel's.

What other family join Anne Frank's family in hiding?

The other familys that joined Anne franks family was Hermann and Petronella Daan and their son Peter. There was also a man named Albert Dussel

Did the van pels and Alfred dussel from the Franks hiding survive the holocaust?

No, neither the van Pels family nor Alfred Dussel survived the Holocaust. They were discovered hiding in the Secret Annex with the Frank family and were sent to concentration camps where they perished.

When did Mr dussel go to the secret annex?

Mr. Dussel arrived at the Secret Annex in November 1942, joining the Frank family and the other occupants who were already in hiding.

Who was the last person to come in hiding with the frank family?

He was a dentist and his name was Dr. Dussel which in translation to English was known as dr. idot

Who lived with the franks in hiding?

Dussel, I'm not sure if it was his first or last name but he was around 58 years old and was a dentist

How long were the Frank family in the secret annex?

The Frank family spent approximately two years in hiding in the secret annex from July 1942 to August 1944 before they were discovered and arrested.

Who was boche in diary of anne frank?

Boche was a nickname given to Albert Dussel, a dentist who shared the hiding place with Anne Frank and her family. Anne used this name to refer to him in her diary.

Why were Albert Dussel and Van Dann used in the play The diary of anne frank?

Albert Dussel and Van Dann were characters based on real people who lived with Anne Frank and her family in the Annex during their time in hiding. Dussel was a dentist who shared a room with Anne, while Van Dann was a friend of Anne's father who joined the group later on. Their characters add depth and complexity to the story of life in hiding during the Holocaust.