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its not the farthers planet.. whoever thought it was is stupid :) haha

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Because it formed further away.

You are completely incorrect to assume that Neptune is the "furthest". There may be many more planets beyond Neptune that have not yet been discovered.

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Q: Why is Neptune furthest away from the planet?
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what planet is the farthest away from sun and why?

Neptune is the furthest away of the eight official planets. There is no particular reason for that, but one of them has to be the furthest and it happens to be called Neptune.

Why is Neptune the coolest planet?

it is the coldest because it is the furthest away from the sun.

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The 'furthest planet away from the Sun' is not one of those. Neptune is the planet which is furthest from the Sun. Of the ones you ask about, Jupiter is the "further". The sequence, moving outwards from the Sun is # Mercury # Venus # Earth # Mars # Jupiter # Saturn # Uranus # Neptune

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Neptune is the furthest official planet, however chronos is the furthest discovered dwarf planet.

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Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun; the furthest in our galaxy excluding Pluto, the second-furthest including it. Neptune is about 2,794 million miles (4,496.6 million kilometres) away from the sun. The planet immediately closer to the sun than Neptune is Uranus.

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In our Solar System the planet furthest from the sum is Neptune because pluto is no longer a planet. The furthest exoplanet is found so far it is an estimated 17,000 light years away

What is the cooldest panet?

Pluto The answer is in fact Neptune because Pluto is no longer classed as a "planet." Neptune is the furthest planet away from the sun therefore the coldest. :P

Is Neptune a cold planet?

Neptune is freezing, because it is the furthest planet from the sun. It is around ?218

What is the eight furthest planet from the sun?

The eighth planet from the sun is also the furthest planet from the sun. It is Neptune.

What is furthest planet from Earth?

Neptune is officially the furthest known planet from Earth in our solar system. Pluto was previously the furthest, but it is no longer classified as a planet.

What is the second farthest planet away from the sun?

Uranus is the second furthest planet from the sun. Neptune, now the furthest planet from the sun, was the second furthest planet from the sun after Pluto was discovered in 1930 until Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2003.

Which planet is closest to the sun and which is farthest?

Mercury is closest to the sun, and Pluto was the farthest away, but it was removed as a planet, and now Neptune is furthest from Sol.