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Q: Why is Nuttel staying in the countryside?
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What does the narrator tells us about Nuttel on the story the open window?

The narrator describes Nuttel as a nervous visitor seeking peace and solitude in the countryside after a "nervous breakdown." Nuttel appears gullible and easily swayed by Vera's tall tales, which leads to the comical twist at the end of the story.

What do you think the intent behind vera's fabricated story to nuttel was?

Vera fabricated the story to Nuttel as a practical joke to entertain herself and her family while also indulging in playful deception. It was likely intended to see how Nuttel would react and to create some excitement in her mundane countryside life.

What does nuttel sister wants him to do?

Ans:- Framton Nuttel had been advised by his doctor to migrate to this rural retreat to cure his nervousness. His sister wanted him to meet the people in the countryside, so she had given him letters of introduction to all the people she knew there

In whose home is framton nuttel during the majority of the story?

Framton Nuttel is at Mrs. Sappleton's home during the majority of the story.

What does Vera learn about Mr Nuttel before she begins her story?

Vera learns that Mr. Nuttel is visiting her aunt due to health reasons, particularly nervous conditions. She also learns that Mr. Nuttel does not know anything about her family, which she later uses to her advantage in her storytelling.

Who is the antagonist in the short storythe open window?

Its Framton Nuttel

Why was the mr sappleton chatter uncomfortable to mr nuttel?

Mr. Sappleton's chatter was uncomfortable for Mr. Nuttel because it centered around his belief that his family members, who had passed away three years ago, would return. This belief, coupled with the empty open window that Mrs. Sappleton kept open in anticipation of their return, unsettled Mr. Nuttel.

Is it quiet of the countryside or quietness of the countryside?

quietness of the countryside.

What is the surprise ending in the open window?

Mr. Nuttel bcomes upset and flees.

Why did SAKI choose to have Mr Nuttel suffering from a nervous condition?

He's gay

Why does framton nuttel visit Mr.Sappelton?

Framton Nuttel visits Mr. Sappleton to help alleviate his nerves, following a doctor's recommendation to find new acquaintances. He hopes to engage in polite conversation and distract himself from his anxieties.

Who is the young man that was sent to the country for a nerve cure in the open window?

Framton Nuttel