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Q: Why is PVC pipe labeled with schedule?
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Is schedule 40 pipe PVC?

Not plumbing pvc pipe, but pvc pipe made especially for wiring.

Max waterflow in 2 inch PVC pipe?

What schedule pipe?

What do you mean shedule of pipe?

Schedule of pipe most commonly refers to the thickness of the wall of the pipe itself. ex...schedule 40 PVC pipe has a thinner wall than sch. 80 PVC

What is meant by sch40 PVC?

Schedule 40 PVC is the type and thickness of water pipe.

What is a 40 PVC PIPE?

PVC stands for Polyvinyl Chloride. The 40 means schedule 40, refers to the thickness of the walls of the pipe.

What type of PVC pipe is used for sewer?

Schedule 40

What is schedule 40 PVC pipe?

It is the wall thickness heavier then schedule 20 lighter then schedule 80

What is the difference between PVC schedule 40 and PVC 80?

The difference between schedule 40 and 80 pvc is the wall thickness and schedule 80 is thicker then schedule 40 so the higher the schedule number the thicker the wall of the pipe thus can hold more pressure.

What are the price of PVC pipes and fittings?

What is the price for a car? what size pipe? What schedule

What kind of pipe should you use to get hard water from a well?

pvc schedule 40

What is the pressure rating of PVC pipe?

It depends on the pipe schedule and diameter... For example. Schedule 40 1 Inch pipe has a minimum burst pressure pressure rating of 1440PSI and an operational PSI of 270. Google can provide a complete chart. Just search "PVC Pipes - Pressure Ratings"

How thick is PVC pipe?

That would depend what schedule of piping your asking about thin wall? schedule 40? schedule 80? schedule 120? giving a hint would certainly help a lot