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Because he wasn't eligible to play, he was visually handicapped.

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Q: Why is Paul kicked off the Lake Windsor soccer team?
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What neighborhood does Paul live in in the book Tangerine?

Paul lives in the exclusive neighborhood of Lake Windsor Downs in the book Tangerine.

In tangerine what is Paul's mom actively involved with?

she is involved with The Lake Windsor Football Team.

Why did paul's family move to lake windsor downs?

Paul's family moved to Lake Windsor Downs because his father got a job there as an engineer. The move was a result of his father's career opportunity and the desire for a better quality of life in a new location.

What was the first school Paul Fisher goes to in the book Tangerine?

The first school is Lake Windsor Middle.

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When does Paul know about the relocation plan in tangerine?

I believe it is because of that IEP he has at Lake Windsor Middle, and he wants a fresh start at Tangerine Middle

What are the main characters for the book Tangerine?

The main characters in the book "Tangerine" by Edward Bloor are Paul Fisher, the protagonist who has visual impairment, his brother Erik Fisher, a football player, their parents, and Joey Costello, a friend of Paul's who plays soccer. These characters navigate themes of family dynamics, sports, and social issues throughout the novel.

What did Mrs. Fisher want Paul to do after the natural disaster sink hole. happened at Lake Windsor Middle School In Tangerine by Edward Bloor?

they died

What is the birth name of Edward Windsor?

Edward Windsor's birth name is Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick Windsor.

In tangerine by edward bloor where did paul fisher live before his family moved?

Before his family moved, Paul Fisher and his family lived in Houston, Texas. When they make the move, they move to Lake Windsor Downs, Tangerine, Florida.

What is the first school paul fisher attended in the book tangerine?

Paul Fisher's first school in the book "Tangerine" is Tangerine Middle School.

When does Paul stand up in tangerine?

In part 2 he stood up to his mom saying to follow behind the bus. Right. After the big win of tangerine middle vs lake Windsor middle.