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Interviewing a friend and referencing his opinion in your project

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Toney Tromp

Lvl 10
2y ago
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11y ago

Yes it is a illegal, but it is not a criminal or civil crime, its confusing. Here is a link that better explains it.

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9y ago

Plagiarism is the blatant stealing of someone else's work or publication. Direct copy/pasting of copyrighted works would be illegal to use in a public space, like this site, for instance.

When someone creates an original work, they copyright it ... and thus own all the rights to it. Using a copyrighted work is the same as stealing from or robbing someone of what is rightfully theirs.
It violates copyright laws. Most original work falls under copyright when created, and is protected wether formally registered or not.

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14y ago

Plagiarism involves deception and is therefore dishonest and unethical. If it involves copyright violation it is also illegal.

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13y ago

Yes, unless you're quoting information. But to copy, paste and use another authors copyrighted work as your own is illegal.

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14y ago

because you are taking material from some one else's work which they probably worked hard on to find out. use a key to show were you got your answers from.

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13y ago

Your stealing work from other writers. It also makes kids lazy by just copy and pasting off of websites for homework.

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13y ago

plagiarism is unethical because...

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Ok Kkjihh

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Q: Why is Plagiarism in a research paper is unethical?
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Why is plagiarism a serious offense?

Plagiarism is stealing. When you plagiarize someone's work, you are undermining their talent and claiming it as your own. It is unethical.

Which aspect of the process of researching and writing a research paper protects you from accusations of plagiarism?

creating a works-cited list

Plagiarism is when someone?

Plagiarism is when someone uses someone else's work, ideas, or words without proper attribution or permission. This is considered unethical and a violation of intellectual property rights.

Why is plagiarism considered unethical?

It is considered unethical because you are taking the work of another person and claiming it as your own. It's the same as stealing.When you cite a reference, you are giving them credit for their ideas and research. When you fail to credit them, you are saying that those are your ideas and you did that research. That is morally wrong to do.

Is it plagiarism if you copy a sentence from an article and then put it in your own research paper but cite where you got it?

As long as you cite your source, it is not considered plagiarism. But most teachers do not allow you to copy a page, even if you cite it.

Why is plagiarism consid?

It is considered unethical because you are taking the work of another person and claiming it as your own. It's the same as stealing.When you cite a reference, you are giving them credit for their ideas and research. When you fail to credit them, you are saying that those are your ideas and you did that research. That is morally wrong to do.

How did the Beecher article impact research in the US?

It heightened awareness of problems with unethical research

What is a background research paper?

It means research that supports your thesis, your main idea. You can get this information online, from an encyclopedia, or from a book, as long as you properly cite it in a bibliography. Otherwise it would be plagiarism!

What are the pros and cons or plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the copying of someone's work that is not your own, and claiming that you wrote it. Plagiarism is an academic offense, but it not itself illegal. The consequences for plagiarism can be different depending on the circumstances. If you are in school, the teacher would usually fail your paper, while in the Academy of Sciences, you could be expelled from the academy.

Why should you care about plagiarism?

Because it is wrong and unethical, plus there are usually consequences to committing plagiarism if you are discovered, like getting zero for your writing and/or facing discplinary action.

Can you get arrested for plagiarism?

Plagiarism itself is grossly unethical (very bad), but not a crime ... Violation of copyright is both criminal and civil offence but is usually treated as a civil matter.