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Pope Benedict was able to choose a new name when he was elected Pope. Popes usually choose the name of a saint they admire.

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Q: Why is Pope Benedict called Pope Benedict even though it is not his real name?
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Should Pope Benedict XVI be spoken to like a Holy Father?

Yes. Even though Pope Benedict XVI is now retired he is still addressed as Holy Father.

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Benedict Arnold was a traitor during the American Revolution and nt a pope, not even a Catholic.

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Animals (pets) are not allowed in Vatican City, even service animals, so Benedict has no cats.

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The pope in Rome, today that would be Pope Benedict XVI, is the leader of the ENTIRE Catholic Church, even in Russia.

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The conclave of cardinals that elects the pope are secret so we will never know what was said right after the election of Benedict. We do the first word he said as Pope was "I accept" as he needed to accept the office and the second would be "Benedict" as he was asked which name he would use.

Does Pope Benedict XVI have any pets?

While a cardinal he had one or two cats as pets. However, pets are not allowed anywhere in the Vatican. Even service animals are not permitted. It is unknown if an exception will be made now that Benedict is retired.

Why was the current popes parents such great fans and supporters of Adolf Hitler?

Pope Benedict's parents were not supporters of Hitler. Even though the future Benedict XVI was drafted into the Hitler Youth organization he refused to attend meetings. His young cousin with Down's Syndrome was taken by the Nazis and killed to help 'purify' the genetic pool. He was drafted into the German anti-aircraft corps. but later deserted as the war drew to a close. There is only evidence that Benedict's family despised Hitler. Anything else would be classified as a pure myth meant to discredit the current pope and his family.

What qualities did Pope Benedict XVI have?

A:Pope Benedict is now retired, as Pope Emeritus, and is quite elderly.As pope, he had a fondness for finery that represented a departure from the more austere tastes of Popes Paul VI and John Paul II. For example, he favoured gold, jewel-encrusted mitres that neither of his immediate predecessors, nor Pope Francis would be comfortable with. Richard Sipe says that he asked a number of Roman clerics and members of the Roman press corps if they think Benedict is gay. None wished to be named, but every one was convinced that Pope Benedict XVI is gay, without suggesting that he was sexually active during his papacy.A conservative on many issues, Benedict XVI saw no irony in condemning what he called excessive consumerism, especially among youth. He stated in December 2007 that "[A]dolescents, youths and even children are easy victims of the corruption of love, deceived by unscrupulous adults who, lying to themselves and to them, draw them into the dead-end streets of consumerism."

Will you get a ticket for running a red light even though the camera didn't flash?

Is the Pope Catholic.

Did Pope Benedict XVI hear God as a child?

Evidently he heard God calling even at the age of 5 years. He told his parents he wanted to be a cardinal when he grew up.

Why does Pope Benedict XVI live in Rome?

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has chosen to remain in the Vatican during his retirement. He could have chosen to return to his home country of Germany or any other location but decided to stay in Vatican City.