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Q: Why is Sam Cooke not listed as one of the top black artist in your list?
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How tall was sam cooke?

He is listed as 5'10 but his biographers & death certificate list at 5'9

Where can one find a list of black listed names?

It is not possible for one to find a full list of black listed names. This list is kept private in order to keep the privacy of others, who are on the list, intact.

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How can you get round black listed sites?

News Flash: Blacklisted sites are on a black list for a reason.

Is the Asiatic black bear on the endangered species list?

The asiatic black bear is listed as threatened by the IUCN.

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Could you please list out the black listed hospitals in kerala by new zealand?

Devamatha hospital kooyhsttukulam

Is the black footed rock wallaby endangered?

The black-footed rock wallaby is not currently endangered. It is listed as Lower Risk / Least Concern on the IUCN Red List 2007. However, various subspecies of the black-footed rock wallaby are listed as Vulnerable.