

Why is Sweden so much colder then in Norway?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Why is Sweden so much colder then in Norway?
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Is it really? I do'nt think so. But if it is, it must be because it's more to the north. Bergen and Oslo has about the same temperature, but I think Oslo is colder..

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Who knows, Sweden has a larger population and probably military, but Norway is a NATO ally, and has oil and money. The Swedes are known to joke about wanting to start a war on Norway and then surrendering, so that we would become one country again :)

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yes, so does Norway, Iceland, Finland Russia and of Course Canada

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The boys have an u.k tour Now so they can't come to norway yet, But they can come to Sweden in August 2012

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It wanted Norway's ice free harbors and access to iron ore from mines in Sweden. It invaded Denmark so it would be easier to invade Norway.

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Youguys are smarter than me so can u answer it

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