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The stomata are meant for gaseous exchange, however transpiration also occurs when they are open.

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Q: Why is Transpiration is the inevitable consequence of gaseous exchange in land plants?
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What is the leaf job?

Photosynthesis, gaseous exchange and transpiration

What are the functions of the stomata?

the exchange of carbon dioxide to things to get in the leaf. (water e.c.t.)water, CO2,sunlight can get in when the stomate is open

What is the function of stomata in a leaf?

Stomata are small pores in the underside of leaves. The primary function is to allow gaseous exchange between the plant's internal tissues and the atmosphere. Oxygen and water vapour (byproducts of photosynthesis) are released from the open stomata into the atmosphere; carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere is allowed to enter the stoma (this is required for photosynthesis.

What will happen if there are too many stomata on the top of the leaf?

Stomata are a plants way of exchanging gasses in photosynthesis. The stomata also are resoponsible for transpiration. Most plants have stomata on the under side of the leaf in order to prevent too much water loss. There already is a lot of stomata in leaves but I think you mean to ask "What would happen if the stomata were open all the time?" this would result in mass water loss and cause a plant to wilt.Edited answer:Large number of stomata will increase porocity of the leaves and will facilitate better gaseous exchange and more transpiration.

Why are the spaces in the spongy mesophyll important?

I had to find the answer to the question too. I think it is to allow gases to diffuse around the cells. It is too important for the gases oxygen when respiring and carbon dioxide when photosynthesis and water during transpiration

Related questions

What is the leaf job?

Photosynthesis, gaseous exchange and transpiration

What do the leaves do to a tree?

Gaseous exchange, transpiration and photosynthesis

What function do the leaves perform?

Photosynthesis, gaseous exchange and transpiration etc.

What is bad about the stomata in plants?

Although not necessary, the stomata during gaseous exchange also favour transpiration and provide passage to the microorganisms.

How does lower epidermis adapt to do it job in the leaf?

In dicot plants the lower epidermis is frequently ruptured by stomata and thus helps in gaseous exchange and transpiration.

What value to a plant is the ability to lose water through transpiration?

Transpiration is the property that allows a vascular plant to move water from the roots up the stems to the leaves, carrying nutrients with it. This is a very old concept; actually transpiration is an essential evil to the plants. The plants have stomata for gaseous exchange and during this exchange of gases the water vapors also get diffused.

What is the function of a leafs stomata?

Help in gaseous exchange

What is the name for exchange of gas in the lungs?

gaseous exchange

Does the stoma open of shut in the light?

in day light , they are open, and perform the following three functions 1 Transpiration 2 Gaseous exchange 3 Promotion of ascent of sap***

What is the difference between ventilation and gaseous exchange?

Gaseous exchange is a natural process, ventilation is a forced process.

What are the functions of the stomata?

the exchange of carbon dioxide to things to get in the leaf. (water e.c.t.)water, CO2,sunlight can get in when the stomate is open

How do green plants transpire?

Transpiration in green plants takes place through the stomata and cuticle. The stomata perform the function of gaseous exchange and during this process water vapours also get transferred due to difusion.