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i am in 7th grade and this is what i learned

There are three reasons why Watergate is important in American History. First, we must always keep an eye on our elected officials. Second, the loss of freedom is only a vote away. Third, never do anything that can leave a paper trail, or vocal record.
When we elect officials, we put our trust in them. But we should not give them blind trust, or absolute power over our future. As a dedicated citizen, it is our duty to assure that our officials are doing their job correctly and not abusing the power bestowed upon them .
Also, as dedicated citizens it is our duty to go out and vote. Many a man shed tears and blood for this right. From before our country was born to present day. If one does not fo out and vote, one deserves to live in a country that is not free.
Lastly, one should never leave a paper trail when they do decide to do wrong. Had Nixon never had tapes in his office, he would have never gotten caught.

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How did the Watergate scandal impact the Americans?

It eroded the American public's trust in Richard M. Nixon.

In Which of the acts came out of the Watergate scandal and urged Americans to learn what their government was doing?

Freedom of Information Act

Who took part in the Watergate scandal?

The Watergate scandal was and is still very notorious. The biggest person who was involved in the Watergate scandal was Richard Nixon.

What was the major reason that Watergate left many Americans upset with the government system?

Richard Nixon was never punished for his crimes

Why was the Watergate scandal called the Watergate scandal?

The break in took place at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Which is the scandal that brought down US president Richard Nixon and which newspaper exposed it?

Watergate - it was exposed by the Washington Post

What affect did the Watergate scandal have on the presidency and in the US?

Richard Nixon sent the country rolling with the Watergate Scandal. The country was still trying to recover from Vietnam War when this scandal came to the surface. The Watergate scandal was Richard Nixon trying to cheat the country into reelecting him into office.

What important element of the Watergate scandal investigation and court cases was not covered by the Constitution?

executive privilege

What are important events that happened in the Vietnam war?

Assassination of JFK, Kent State Shootings, Watergate.

What effect did the Watergate scandle have on american society?

He resigned and most Americans got really mad at Ford when he gave Nixon a presidential pardon, meaning that Nixon didn't have to stand trial for his crimes. Also, before watergate, there was no concept that the president would ever lie to the American people or do anything wrong, and Watergate forever changed that.