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Because they come from a different order, Araneae. Like Scorpions and Harvestmen. They are Arthropodsthat have eight legs, and Chelicerae with fangs that inject venom. They are the largest order of the Arachnids.

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Q: Why is a Sun Spider not a true spider?
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What is a sun spider also known as?

The sun spider can also be known as a wind spider, a camel spider or a wind scorpion. The sun spider's scientific name is Eremobates sp.

What does camel spider poison do to humans?

First of all the "camel spider" isn't really a spider; it's a spider kin called a solafugid (means "flees from the Sun," which it certainly does). Its venomous bite is painful, but not deadly, to humans. Stories about its anesthetic powers are not true.

Are camel spiders related to camels?

No, the Camel spider (also know as a Sun Spider, Wind Spider and Winder Scorpion) is a member of the order Solifugae, and as such do not spin webs. This order of spider also has no venom either. The camel spider is a nocturnal animal and hunts it's prey as if it were a scorpion, therefore there is no need for a web.

What is a solpugid?

Sun spider.

Is a camel spider technically a spider?

An Arachnid is an arthropod with eight or more legs, making the Solifugae (AKA camel spider) an arachnid, but not a "true" spider. Anything in the Arachnid family is considered a spider.

Where does a whip spider live?

The whip spider (not a true spider) lives in a humid environment in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

How much can a spider weight?

A true spider can lift eight times its weight.

How much weight can a spider lift?

A true spider can lift eight times its weight.

Where spider go when sun came out in nursery rhyme?

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.

What types of of spiders are there?

Barn spider, black widow spider, brown spider, cellar spider, cobweb spider, comb- footed spider, crab spider, dock spider, fishing spider, funnel web spider, ghost spider, ground spider, jumping spider, lynx spider, nursery spider, orb web spider, pirate spider, sac spider, spitting spider, tarantula, trapdoor spider, and wolf spider.

Where did the spider go when the sun came out?

The spider goes up the gutter type thing, i forgot the name of it lol

Is an ice spider true?

No, they are not true, people want you to think they are, but they are not