

Why is a book better than a movie?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Books are so much better because the author describes the emotions of the character a lot more and it can also give you more of a back story. you can also choose when you want to carry on reading and not have to be in front of a television.

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14y ago
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12y ago

The question should be why are books better than movies? Some people think books are better than films because they have every part of a movie and more, and, you can create your own characters and backgrounds. You can also take a book anywhere. Whereas some people prefer films because it uses less time, you can sit in front of the tv with some popcorn and everything is displayed for you. Hope this helps! :D

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a book is actually better than a movie because a book provides more information. hope this helps :D

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1st person to answer: The movie is better in my opinion end of second thought the movie is WAY BETTER 2nd person to answer: I found if you asked people who read the book first they disliked the movie but, if you saw the movie then read the books the movie was better. So I really think the book is WAY WAY WAY better. 3rd person to answer: i like the twilight movie better than the book but it is not better than the other books. if they want that they're gonna have a hard time.

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The book is better than the movie. It contains more information and is better told. I have seen all the movies and read the book a few times.

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watching a movie is better because the movie will get your attention and it will help people watching understand it.

Why was the lightning thief book better than movie?

Cause Grover acts like a perv in the movie, and like a real human in the book. More and better stuff happens in the book than in the movie. Also if you have no knowledge of Greek Mythology you would be wasting your time watching the movie.

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read the book and figure it out yourself