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Q: Why is a can of non-diet soft drink more dense than a can of diet soft drink?
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Why is coke more dense then Diet Coke?

It has more sugar

Why does a diet coke float and a coke sinks?

Because a regular coke is more dense and has more sugar. A diet coke has more sugar

Is Diet Coke more dense or less dense?

Less. It doest contain the amount of suger that a regular Coke does.

Will a diet or a regular drink float?

diet will float cause diet has more sugar than regular

Why does coke sink and Diet Coke float?

Other way around: diet beverages are less dense and float, the good kind (with sugar) is more dense and sinks.

Is it only Diet Coke that floats?

yes, because coca cola is a lot more dense than diet coke because it has so less chemicals than diet coke

Are most materials more or less dense in their solid state than in liquid?

More dense. As a solid is formed the particles vibrate less and group closer together. One of the only exceptions to this is water. When water freezes and becomes a solid it becomes less dense which is why ice will float in your drink.

What soda has more sugar than Diet Coke?

Since Diet Coke has NO sugar, any other soda has more sugar than it does, so long as it's a soda and not a diet drink.

Why does Diet Coke sink and regular not?

it is actually the other way around diet coke sinks because it is less dense than water and regular is more dence so it sinks

Do candy bars have aspartame?

Diet candy may contain aspartame. Nondiet candy is more likely to contain sugar or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The only way to be sure if a candy bar contains aspartame is to read the ingredients on the label, keeping in mind that aspartame may be listed under different names.

how exactly does pritikin diet works?

This diet proposed that if you eat foods that are not calorie dense then you can eat as much as you want until you are full and still lose weight. If you eat calorie dense foods until you feel full you are ingesting many more calories and therefore gain weight.

What is more dense?

a solid is more dense