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because then if something in the complex food web dies off, you have another food source but in a web if one thing dies off the web is basically dead.

so yeah

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Q: Why is a complex food web better than a simple food chain?
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Why is a complex food web better then a simple food chain for the survival of a community?

because it is easier to define different parts of each evironment or community and better see how much of a community is lost over 1 expeltion of an organism

Why is a complex food wed better than a simple food chain for the survival of a community?

Because in a simple food web there is no room for adapton and change like there is for a complex food chain. For example, lets say the world was only rabbits and foxes. now the foxes eat all the rabbits and the rabbits become exctinct. So sow with the foxes only source of food gone, they'll starve to death, which in turn, causes the world to turn into an empty wasteland. But with a complex food chain, was as is, the foxes would have mere to prey on which would save the rabbits and the foxes. I hope i helped...

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Food that can be simple or complex is carbohydrates.

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where do jays fit on the food chain It depends on the food chain. It could be a primary consumer and feed on seeds. It could be a secondary consumer if it is eating bugs or worms. A food web shows these feeding relationships better because these relationships can be shown in one diagram. A food chain represents a simple flow of energy in a straight line. Living relationships are more complex than that.

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Which represents an ecosystem better a food chain or a food web?

food chain

Complex feeding patterns for consumers in an ecosystem are called?

food chain

Why does a food web represent an ecosytem better than a food chain does?

A food chain is the chain of one animal eating the other while a food web is a web of different food chains. So it better represents an ecosystem.

What is the science definition of producer?

it is something that starts of the food chain or creates energy. that is what a producer is fool! A producer is a organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules using light energy i.e a photosynthesizer. They are the producers in a food chain, such as plants on land or algae in water. They are able to make their own food

Where abouts is the star fish in the food chain?

near the end of a food chain but pikes eat them....

Why is a complex food web better than a simple food chain for the survival of the community?

A food web can more readily react to changes in the environment that impact one or more species. Also a food web is sometimes strengthened by the loss of one or more species if that species is overly aggressive, whereas a food chain is only as strong as it's weakest link and is always diminished or destroyed by the loss of any member. In short, a food web is more adaptive than a food chain and usually more diverse with more opportunity for cooperative advantage, improving chances of survival over a chain for the included species, especially species higher in the web (further from photosynthesis).

Why is a food web better then a food chain in terms of what eats the organism and what does the oraganism eat?

The term 'food web' is better than 'food chain' because the food web shows more paths of what an organism can eat, while the food chain only focuses on one path.