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Q: Why is a culture oarl tradition an important source for historians?
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Why was oral history important to the native Americans?

Where there are no written records of a culture's history, such as its beginnings or what wars were won or lost, the oral, hand me down, verbal histories can be a source of its history. An oral tradition may have flaws or have long spans of time that cannot be accounted for. In either case, besides from archaeology, the oral tradition is all historians have left. If however, nearby societies, have confirming oral histories, the past may be revealed. In some cases the written records of a nearby society may confirm the other's verbal traditions.

Why are sources so important for historians?

The significance of the source is more important than people think. Always consider the source. Referencing two or more of the topic. Sometimes called cross referencing.

Historians and researchers primarily base their research on?

Historians and researchers primarily base their research on primary sources such as original documents, artifacts, and data that provide firsthand accounts or direct evidence of past events. They also rely on secondary sources including scholarly books, articles, and analyses that interpret and discuss primary sources to develop a deeper understanding of historical events. Comparing and contrasting various sources helps to ensure accuracy and reliability in their research.

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What source do historians use to answer questions?

They use primary and secondary sources

Why is oral history import?

Where there are no written records of a culture's history, such as its beginnings or what wars were won or lost, the oral, hand me down, verbal histories can be a source of its history. An oral tradition may have flaws or have long spans of time that cannot be accounted for. In either case, besides from Archaeology, the oral tradition is all historians have left. If however, nearby societies, have confirming oral histories, the past may be revealed. In some cases the written records of a nearby society may confirm the other's verbal traditions.

How does oral tradition differ from a written source?

history is normally written down and oral tradition isn't.

Why does Judaism matter?

1) It is a major source in other western religions. 2) It is a major source for Western law and thought in general. See the attached Related Question. 3) It is important to Jews since it is their heritage and tradition.