

Why is a frogs skin slimy?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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11y ago

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Frogs are amphibians, so they spend most of their time in water. This causes them to have a protective layer of skin to keep them from drying out. This and the fact that they spend much time in water results in a slimy texture of their skin.

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11y ago

Frogs breathe by diffusion through their skin, and the skin must be moist in order for them to do so

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This is because frogs secrete a mucus which help keep their skin moist

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A frog's skin is green, slimy and smooth, while a toads skin is brown, bumpy and warty.

Why do frogs have slime?

Frog's produce a slimy substance called mucus, the mucus comes from glands in the frogs skin. The glands and mucus is extremely important to the survival of the frogs due to the respiration and hydration. Not all frogs are slimy though, some frogs have rough dry skin.

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Frogs have unusual skin. Frogs don't usually swallow water like we do. Instead they absorb most of the moisture they need through their skin. Because frogs get oxygen through their skin when it's moist, they need to take care of their skin or they might suffocate. Sometimes you'll find frogs that are slimy. This is because the frog skin secretes a mucus that helps keep it moist. Even with the slimy skin, these frogs need to stay near water. Toads on the other hand have tougher skin that doesn't dry out as fast, so they can live farther from water than most frogs.

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The difference is a toad's skin is brown, bumpy and warty, while a frog's skin is green, slimy and smooth.

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== == Bell frogs are the largest type of frogs. They have slimy and moist skin. They are usually green and golden but there are many different colours. Bell frogs' croaks soung like a motor cycle changing gears.

Do Aquatic frogs shed?

Every frog has to shed it's skin once in a while and so do aquatic frogs. The shedded skin looks slimy and in most cases it is eaten by the frog in order to regain nutrients.

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i don't know its a frog