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The Killer whale or Orca (Orcinus orca), is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family.

So the reason why is because they basically
Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are dolphins of the family Delphinidae because they have the same characteristics as other Delphinidae, including the same kind of teeth and the same non-symmetrical skull bones found in other true dolphins.

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there real name is Orca. they are called whale killer but people thought that it sounded a little weird so that is why they are called killer whales

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They are classified as dolphines because of what they eat (they eat meat), where they live and what they look like.

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Killer Whales (despite their name) are actually the largest member of the dolphin [delphinidae] family.

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They're more closely related to dolphins than 'true' whales. Genetically they have more in common with them.

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Q: Why is a killer whale called a killer whale when its a dolphin?
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Which family is the killer whale from?

Killer whale's are from the Dolphin Family. Killer whale's are the largest member of the Dolphin Family.

How do they get the name killer whale?

The killer whale is surprisingly not a whale that Is what is often misleading about them. The killer whale is actually a species of dolphin in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae the reason it got its name is because people saw the dolphin hunting and killing whales at first the killer whale was called the killer of whales but then it eventually got shortened to killer whale

Is a killer whale a type of dolphin?

My opinion I think a Killer Whale (Orca, Dutch meaning) should be categorized as a whale but the scientific Animalia category the Killer Whale is, is a dolphin. They are also considered the biggest dolphins. Even is the Killer Whales meals are sometimes dolphins they are a dolphin.

Can a killer whale kill a dolphin?

yes a dolphin can kill a killer whale and they do to protect themselves from the whales

Is a killer whale really a whale or a dolphin?

It is a mammal, a member of the dolphin family. The killer whale's scientific name is 'Orcinus Orca', And it is actually the largest of the dolphin family. It got its name Killer Whale, which was shortened from Killer OF whales, as they sometimes kill other dolphins, and whales. They are NOT a porpoise, whale or fish (although the name porpoise is sometimes applied to them).

What sea animal eats a whale?

Killer whales. Killer whales are the oceans most apex predators. They have been seen preying on whales including the blue whale.The killer whale itself is actually not a whale it is a dolphin. The reason it is called a killer whale is because researchers and whalers saw the dolphin killing whales so they called it the killer of whales which has been over time shortened to killer whale. :)

Is a killer whale a dolphin or a whale?

A killer whale despite its name is a dolphin. The killer whale is in the family delphinidae a group of oceanic dolphins. You may be wondering why then do we call it a killer whale? The answer is simply because researchers and whalers saw the dolphin killing whales, that is why we call them killer whales because they kill-whales :)

What family is the killer whale from?

a killer whale is actually a spicies of dolphin NOT a type of whale

Orca dolphin or porpoise?

An orca is a species of dolphin. It is in the group Delphinidae a group of oceanic dolphins. The orca is only called a killer whale because it has been seen killing other whales not because it is a whale :)

Can an orca be called a dolphin?

Orcas are in fact the largest species of dolphin, also known as the killer whale.

Does a whale eat a dolphin?

An Orca (killer whale) will hunt and eat Dolphin.

What is the largest member of the dolphin family?

The largest dolphin is the Orca, also known as "Killer Whale".