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because something is wrong with the vehicle

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Q: Why is a lot of water dripping out your exhaust?
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Why is water dripping out of my exhaust?

if a small amount of water is dripping it is normal condensation from running an engine

Why do you have water dripping out of 87 CBR1000F muffler when you stop the bike not really using up coolant and no water in the oil mufflers are also not the lowest point in exhaust?

The water you see comming from the exhaust is condensation. A by product of the combustion process is water and until the exhaust system gets hot enough to maintain the water in the exhaust in a gaseous state it will condense (fall out of the exhaust stream) in the exhaust system. After the engine gets warm and heats up the exhaust system the water does not condense in the exhaust system anymore and is dirrected into the atmosphere. P.K.

My Audi A6 Estate is smoking from the exhaust and I noticed this morning oil dripping from the exhaust pipe when you started the car what could this be?

you could be leaking engine oil onto the exhaust or it could just be rusty water that is evaporating and causing the smoke.

Why is my exhaust fan dripping?

That is not something that is normal. You’ll have to get a bigger exhaust fan. The Air conditioning company will be the ones who do that.

What causes oily residue to form on the inside edge of the tailpipe?

One of the by products of combustion is water, when you start the car, the exhaust pipe will be cold, the water will therefore condense from gas on to the cold metal of the exhaust ( you can often see cars will water dripping from the exhaust on cold mornings!). Oil will also do the same thing, especially some of the thicker parts of the diesel.

Does water dripping from tailpipe mean the catalytic converter is faulty?

No, water coming from the exhaust is normal in small amounts. The temp differences causes condensation. When the car sits, the exhaust is cold or ambiant temp. When the vehicle starts, the exhaust system warms up, causing condensation. There are actually weep holes in most mufflers to let the water out to prevent rust.

What is wrong if my air conditioner is not dripping water?

Your air conditioner may be faulty if it is not dripping water.

What is the meaning of the word dripping?

If something is "dripping", then it usually means that water is coming from it slowly and intermittently. For example, if a wet towel is hung on a rail, it would be "dripping" water.

Why would there be water coming out of the exhaust of your Toyota forklift?

Water is produced when the fuel burns in the engine. The carbon in the fuel burns with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, while hydrogen in the fuel burns with more oxygen to form water. You only see it dripping out when the exhaust pipe is cold, because after it's warmed up the water comes out as steam and is invisible.

How do you draw an explanation of how water is made in a car engine?

If you are referring to the water that drips from the exhaust when the engine is running, it is formed by the burning (oxidation) of the carbon and hydrogen that makes up the gasoline. When the carbon/hydrogen molecule combines with oxygen during the burning process, carbon dioxide and water are formed. The water vapor condenses into liquid form as it passes through the exhaust and we see it dripping out as water.

Why is water dripping from your water pump?

Water leaking from the seal

Why do you smell burning rubber in your 1995 Oldsmobile 98?

You may have an oil leak that is dripping onto the exhaust.