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Q: Why is a low pressure area created along cold fronts?
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How do two converging fronts form a low-pressure area?

the fronts keep in touch

How do fronts and low pressur help each other?

Low pressure centers attract fronts because the front (whether it be cold or warm) wants to move from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. This stabalizes the area.

What is a stationary front an area of high or low pressure?

A stationary front would be associated with an area of low pressure (high pressure does not have fronts).

What are the three main kinds of fronts?

Surface weather analysis, Low pressure area, and High pressure area :) Hope I helped!

How are the air masses and fronts different?

Air mass - refers to any area of high or low pressure. A front - is the point at which an area of high pressure meets an area of low pressure.

Do most tornadoes move along the front or the coast?

Tornadoes generally form along fronts. Whether or not the area is coastal has no significant impact on occurrence.

Where do most tornadoes move along the front or coast?

Tornadoes generally form along fronts. Whether or not the area is coastal has no significant impact on occurrence.

How do pressure belts affect climate?

Pressure belts affect climate by controlling where weather fronts travel. If a large area of high pressure is present, it will prevent a lower pressure system from entering and divert it.

What are the weather fronts that should be expected when a tornado is forming?

Tornadoes often develop along cold fronts, but are not a direct product of them. Rather, tornadoes form from the thunderstorms that develop along some cold fronts. Dry lines have even more potential to produce tornadic storms, but are less common in most regions. In rarer cases, tornadoes may be associated with warm fronts. On spot that is conducive to the formation of tornadoes is Larko's triangle, an area between a warm front and cold front near where they meet at the center of a low pressure system.

Is a front a line of low pressure?

Not exactly. A front is an area where two different air masses meet. However, fronts usually do coincide with a line of low pressure called a trough.

What kind of storm occurs during fronts?

Thunderstorms goes with cold fronts and stationery fronts. Warm fronts usually bring moisture into the area.

Do fronts occur in areas of high pressure?

No, not really. Winds tend to blow out of the High pressure areas to low pressure areas. This causes the clouds to follow the winds and that is the reason why you would expect a nice sunny weather when a high pressure area moves over you.