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It's endangered by oil spills:

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they are dying

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Q: Why is a marsh rabbit in danger?
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Related questions

Does marsh rabbits live in marsh habitats?

The marsh rabbit does live here because it has the name marsh in it

What does a marsh rabbit eat?

The nocturnal marsh rabbit feeds on plants and grasses. Since they feed at night, marsh rabbits are preyed upon by hawks, foxes, owls and bobcats.

Is a marsh rabbit bigger than a regular rabbit?

no its the same size

What is a euphemism for muskrat meat?

marsh rabbit

Is a marsh rabbit a mammal?

Yes, rabbits are mammals

Does a marsh rabbit live in the coastal plain?


Do rabbits live in the Florida everglades?

Yes, the Marsh rabbit does

How does the rabbit put the dog in danger?

Because the dog gets jealous from the rabbit

How do rabbit protect their babies?

If a mother rabbit feels there is danger for her babies, she kills them. :(

What is the peculiarity of tail of a rabbit?

Rabbit tails are used for warnings. When in danger, the rabbit flicks its tail up, showing the white part of the tail. This warns other rabbits danger is approaching.

What is the scientific name for a marsh rabbit?

The Riverine Rabbit, also known as the Bushman Rabbit or Bushman Hare, has the scientific name Bunolagus monticularis.

Are there porcupines in the African Savannah?

Yes there are. The marsh rabbit is a florida native and resides in the Everglades.