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When women resume smoking after the baby is born the infant is more likely to die of sudden infant death syndrome, to have Asthma symptoms, to develop colic, middle ear infections, and pneumonia, as well as to grow up with behavioral problems such as hyperactivity. The woman also negates any progress made when she quit, so her chances of developing lung cancer will increase

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Q: Why is a mother advised not to resume smoking after she has given birth?
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Anything and everything a pregnant mother takes into her body affects her fetus. Smoking can cause premature birth, lower birth weight, problems in developing at later stages.

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Anything and everything a pregnant mother takes into her body affects her fetus. Smoking can cause premature birth, lower birth weight, problems in developing at later stages.

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Anything and everything a pregnant mother takes into her body affects her fetus. Smoking can cause premature birth, lower birth weight, problems in developing at later stages.

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Anything and everything a pregnant mother takes into her body affects her fetus. Smoking can cause premature birth, lower birth weight, problems in developing at later stages.

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