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Q: Why is a person with psoriasis more likely to get an infection within the body?
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What happens to cause death in an infected person?

Eventually, your body can't take it anymore and it shuts down. Your organs stop functioning and you die. Well that does make sense, but it depends on what kind of infection it is. Like if its an infection in your blood you will most likely die within hours unless the person seeks medical help. If it's an infection of a lung or skin infection, you can either try to treat it or remove whatever's infected.

After successful bladder infection treatment, is the infection likely to return?

The urinary infection is a very common disease among young women. The disease recurrence is very common. Some have estimated that almost half of people who have the infection get it again within a year.

A person with psoriasis may be more likely to get an infection within the body because?

Individuals with psoriasis may experience significant physical discomfort and some disability. Itching and pain can interfere with basic functions, such as self-care, walking, and sleep. Plaques on hands and feet can prevent individuals from working at certain occupations, playing some sports, and caring for family members or a home. The frequency of medical care is costly and can interfere with an employment or school schedule. People with moderate to severe psoriasis may feel self-conscious about their appearance and have a poor self-image that stems from fear of public rejection and psychosexual concerns. Psychological distress can lead to significant depression and social isolation.Types of Psoriasis:Plaque psoriasisPustular psoriasisGuttate psoriasisPsoriatic arthritisErythrodermic psoriasisSOURCE:

How long after having flu symptoms can a person be tested and get a positive result?

This will vary from person to person. Generally, the window period for HIV can be as low as several weeks after infection to up to 6 months after infection.

Which locations do plaque psoriasis build up at?

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease that is caused by the overproduction of white skin cells. There are several types of psoriasis, such as guttate psoriasis and inverse psoriasis, but plaque psoriasis is the most common and it commonly occurs where joints meet, such as the elbows, knees, and fingers. It is also common on the scalp of the head. Furthermore, plaque psoriasis will occur where the skin gets easily irritated by rubbing motions or even in the genital area. Plaque psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body, however. Those with severe plaque psoriasis, the condition can cover the entire body. Normal skin replaces itself every 30 days, but in those with psoriasis, the process occurs only within a few days.

What causes nails to turn red under nail and then nail to pull away from skin?

It could be a mild form of psoriasis. Most pictures of nail psoriasis shows brown holes in the nail, but this is the more severe cases. Psoriasis is little understood, if you ask me, but is said to be an autoimmune disease that is inheritable. It consists of a faster than normal expulsion of skin - thus exposing immature skin. Another posibility is bacterial infection - if this is the case then some antibacterial can be directed under the nail. For example some kind of alchoholic vaseline. If this does not help within some days its probably psoriasis. Fungal infection is not likely. Another thing is sometimes if you can apply some pressure unto the nail pressing it onto the finger for a prolonged time can fasten it again - it might sting a little, but it will go away - only for psoriasis. Some indications of psoriasis is that the attack gets more severe in the winter and better in the summer. Other indications could be if family members has psoriasis of some type. Last possibility, i know of, is that the nail at a immature time has gotten a hard pounding. - The nail extends rather far under the skin of the finger and because of the slow growth damages that happened further up the joint can be exposed via the nail several months later.

What does intracranial infection mean?

intracranial infection (any infection within the skull such as meningitis and encephalitis)

How do you spell decon?

The likely word is deacon (a clergyman, or a lay person active within a church).

If you have testicular torsion and the testical dies how long until and infection occurs?

Due to the nature of the location of the testes, infection is likely to set in within 2-3 weeks. This will cause excruciating pain and surgery will be necessary to prevent septicemia.

How does a acute or chronic bacterial infection effect a person?

It gives you 763 diseases within 438 seconds, then you turn into an ostrich named Richard.

What are potential risks of infection within the workplace?

There are many potential risks of infection within the workplace. One risk for infection could come from another worker who comes in to work with a transferable illness like the flu. Another risk for infection could be an infection from a cut that is not treated properly.

Which form of therapy is most likely to emphasize the importance of examining a person's role within a social system?

Family therapy