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Both pine trees and hibiscus plants have seeds. Ferns do not. That's actually a pretty important distinction from an evolutionary standpoint.

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Q: Why is a pine tree considered to be more similar to the hibiscus plant than to a fern for kids?
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What plant is simlar to hibiscus fern moss or pine tree?

Pine is more similar. Other two more primitive

Why is a pine tree considered to be more similar to the hibiscus plant than to a fern?

Gymnosperms, such as pine trees, and angiosperms, such as hibiscus, both sport an important evolutionary feature that ferns do not. Gymnosperms and angiosperms both make seeds through sexual reproduction, while ferns produce spores through a type of asexual reproduction. (the latin word sperma means seed.)

What are the similarity between plant hibiscus and plant mango?

different: hibiscus plant is a flowering plant but fern is not a flowering plant.

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Is fern a plant or a fungi?

Fern is a type of plant. It belongs to the group of plants known as pteridophytes, which reproduce through spores instead of seeds. Fungi, on the other hand, are a separate kingdom of organisms that are not considered plants.

What is a potted fern?

A fern (the type of plant) in a plant pot.

Why is named walking fern?

It has a similar trick,where the tip of a leaf meets the ground,a new plant can grow

What type of vascular plant is a fern?

A fern is a seedless vascular plant. OR NAH

Is a ladder fern a fungi?

No staghorn fern is a type of fern. It is not a fungi.

Is a fern a seedless or seeded plant?

Fern is seedless plant. It bears the spores. It is less evolved plant.

What is the definition of a fern?

A fern is a plant with feathery fronds.

Is a fern eukaryote?

Yes a fern is eukaryotic because it is a part of tghe plant family and plants a eukaryotic.