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how should i know

find it yourself are you mentally disabled?

if not find it yourself pea brain

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Q: Why is a scientific models useful?
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Why are models useful in studying scientific concepts?

because they are :)

Why is scientific models useful?

how should i knowfind it yourself are you mentally disabled?if not find it yourself pea brain

What is the goal of scientific models?

The goal of scientific models is that the scientific models help see something more clearly in science.

How can you use models in a scientific sentence?

John has brought his model on Gravitational force of attraction.... Scientists elucidate their theory by the help of relevant models. Was that information useful please let me know.

Why is models useful in science?

Models are useful in science, because it is easier for some to understand then words.

What can't scientific models show?

Scientific models can't show 100% of the reality that they model. Models are necessarily simplified versions of reality.

How maths is useful to tell scientific theories?

maths is useful to tell scientific theories becaus

Why are new scientific models developed?

New scientific models are developed in order to reflect the most recent discoveries.

Why is that trait useful in scientific investigation?

There are a great many traits that are useful in scientific investigation. Being an excellent observer is a useful trait for example.

Would measuring stars be useful for scientific notation?

You have it in reverse. Scientific notation is useful for measuring stars.

How is a scientific model useful?

A scientific model lets scientists see objects that are too complex. A globe would be an example of a model. Without models scientists would have a hard time understanding certain things Hope this helps

Explain how the development of atomic models demonstrates the scientific process?

explain how the development of atomic models demonsrates the scientific prosess