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At higher elevations, there is less air pushing down from above and therefore less weight to support. The higher you go the less air there is above you to press down on you Air pressure is due to the mass of air above you that presses down upon you - even gases have mass!

The particles have to counter gravity to get higher up which requires a high velocity. The vast majority however don't have the required velocity to reach higher altitudes so there are naturally a lower density of air particles the higher up you go.

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12y ago

At lower elevations, more air is pushing down because of gravity. Just as if one were to go 100 ft below a lake vs. 10 feet. There is more air, just as there was more water above you in the lake, which causes pressure to rise. This pressure, ATM, can be measured by a barometer, full of liquid Mercury. The mercury is pushed up into a tube by the atmosphere, allowing us to see exactly how much the pressure has risen or lowered. The standard for ATM is 760 torr, or millimeters of mercury in a barometer. At lower elevations, ATM could reach close to 800 torr or less. Im not sure what the highest ATM pressure recorded is but that's for another question.

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Because there is a taller column of air above you

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8y ago

The concentration of air at high altitude is lower.

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Q: Why is air pressure lower at a higher elevation than at a lower elevation?
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because sinse the land had a lower elevation, the air is not so heavy,. Does that make sense? Okay, It you were on a mountain the air pressure would be higher than if you were on the beach.

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