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Q: Why is alcohol not sold on Sundays in some states?
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In New Jersey, cabbage can't be sold on Sundays. In Alabama, boogers may not be flicked in the wind.

What kind of alcohol on a cotton ball to ease pain in your mouth after extraction?

Bourbon Whiskey....doctors used to prescribe it in the 1800s for pain. That's the reason why alcohol is still sold in drug stores in some states.

Can you buy Alcohol on Easter Sunday in Michigan?

On Easter Sunday, can you purchase alcohol in Michigan? It is not possible to buy alcohol on Easter Sunday in Michigan. The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) and the state's Blue Law prohibit alcohol sales on Sundays.

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Blue laws prohibit businesses of a non-emergency (hospitals, pharmacies, etc.) nature from being open on Sundays. In some areas (like Indiana), alcoholic beverages cannot be sold on Sundays.

Can you buy alcohol in Alabama on Sundays?

Depends on the county you buy in. Rankin county I believe you can not buy alcohol on Sundays. Mon-Saturday you can't buy alcohol after 11PM. Hinds County is different.

What is the alcohol content of beer in Colorado?

The alcohol content of beer in California can't exceed 4% by volume or 3.2% in weight. Anything higher has to be considered a malt liquor, ale, stout etc...... Some beers however have less. Light beers usually have less alcohol in them.

What is the driving limit of alcohol?

In all states, 0.08% or higher. In some states, .05% or higher.

What does it cost you when you serve a minor alcohol?

The answer might be freedom. However, in many states adults can legally serve their minor offspring alcohol within the home and, in some states, outside the home. Some states allow a spouse age 21 or older to legally serve the spouse under the age of 21 alcohol. Many states permit serving persons of any age alcohol for religious purposes.

Did bootleggers sell illegal alcohol to consumers?

Yes in the old days it was home made Moonshine from corn they sold to who ever wanted it. but to day it is someone that sells alcohol to people on sundays. But there are still people that sell it the old fashion way, Home Made. thats where the name bootlegger originated from, some one that sales from the boot of there car. They would run it one one location to another location to consumers.

Is a refrigerator considered a necessary?

(in the US) Some states require that homes be sold with refrigerators - other states do not.

Is Lifeway Christian stores opened on Sundays?

Some are and some are not. The ones that I go to are open on Sundays but not as long as they are during the weekdays

What time does Hollywood video close on Sunday?

I'm almost perfectly certain that the store closes at 11pm on Sundays. They may have close times at 10pm for some Sundays in different states. Other days it is 11pm or 12pm for Saturday and Friday.