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Bourbon Whiskey....doctors used to prescribe it in the 1800s for pain. That's the reason why alcohol is still sold in drug stores in some states.

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Q: What kind of alcohol on a cotton ball to ease pain in your mouth after extraction?
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What are some good medicines to help with pain after tooth extraction?

just put alcohol on a cotton ball and stick it in your mouth

How do you get tape residue off a binder?

alcohol wipes, or just rubbing alcohol with a cotton ball.

How can you clean a Super Smash Bros. Disc?

You can clean a disc by using rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball or glass cloth. # Put a littal bit of rubbing alcohol on the cloth or cotton ball. # Genttely wipe the disk with the cloght or cotton ball. # Now you should have a disk that works, so enjoy!

How do you remove dry sunscreen from an Xbox CD?

Rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball, be carefull not to rub to hard because the cotton could scratch the surface.

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Rub some Rubbing Alcohol on them with a cotton ball

What type of liquids will remove permanent marker off of a hard surface?

Rubbing alcohol, works great. Alcohol prep pads or plan rubbing alcohol on a Cotton ball.

How to get sharpie off of a ball?

Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) may work, as might nail polish remover (acetone). Simply soak a cotton ball with your chosen fluid, and rub it over the dried ink stain.

Will rubbing alcohol take the sticky off of a screen protector?

Yes, using rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball or swab will take the sticky off of a screen protector.

How do you clean duct tape adhesive off plastic?

apply some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball or use a pre soaked alcohol pad and rub on the sticky surface.

How do you tell if a painting is a oil or an acrylic?

Acrylic paint (latex) will lift if rubbed with an alcohol soaked rag, cotton ball, etc.

What is a immature cotton ball called?

a teenage boy that's obese There is no such thing as a cotton ball or an immature cotton ball

Can you clean apple ear pods with alcohol?

You can't submerge them in the alcohol, but you can use a cotton ball or swap to wipe them down. Just be sure not to get any liquid inside of the actual pods.