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Q: Why is alien plants bad for the environment?
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Through kaingin, that may cause to deforestation and eventually soil erosion, landslide and mudslide are bad to our environment. Farmers burn a certain land for planting crops to become fertile wherein fertile soil is good to plants. Fertile soil is good to plants but kaingin is bad to the environment.

Why are alien plants bad for the environment?

Non native plants have been used to solve soil problems. One, in Arizona, is buffelgrass, which was introduced as forage for cattle during the 1930s. It has taken over large areas of land and one issue is that it is fuel for very hot wildfires. It also crowds out native grasses, and renders the soil infertile after about ten years.

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yes it is. if you do dump waste your killing the environment plants and other living things will start dying .

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they kill plants and smell bad and do alot of damage to our environment that could stay there for years and years

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If plants do not adapt, they do not survive in that particular environment.

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yes it is. if you do dump waste your killing the environment plants and other living things will start dying .

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Very Bad unless your an alien being

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they are small because of the rough terrain, bad air, and the fact that there are not enough nutrients to support large plants.

How would insects predators keep alien plants in check?

the bees check it for pollen and if they die its a alien plant