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'Voltage' isn't 'conducted'. Voltage can be thought of as 'electrical pressure' which, when applied across opposite ends of a conductor will cause a CURRENT to flow along that conductor.

So your question should really be asking, why aluminium conducts a greater CURRENT than iron.

The answer is simple. Aluminium is a better 'conductor' than iron. In other words iron resists the flow of current more than aluminium does. Or to express this in another way, iron offers a greater RESISTANCE to the flow of current.

Resistance is a natural property of a conductor, with some conductors have more, or less, resistance than other conductors. The best conductor, i.e. the one with the least resistance, is silver -closely followed by copper. Iron is a relatively poor conductor in comparison with silver, copper, or aluminium.

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Q: Why is aluminum a better conducter of electricity than sodium?
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