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What happens here is that a filament emits all sorts of radiation - much of it as invisible infrared ("heat radiation"). On the other hand, a LED will convert a large percentage of its energy to light.

As to WHY this is so... Well, a filament is just a heated object, and those tend to radiate a variety of frequencies. For more details, do some reading on "black body radiation" (for example, in the Wikipedia). I am assuming, for simplicity, that the filament is a so-called "black body"; which I think is close enough for a basic analysis. The different frequencies (colors, or types of radiation) are basically caused by the fact that the atoms move at different speeds.

The LED, on the other hand, is based on electrons of a specific element being excited - i.e., lifted to a higher energy level. In this case, they will soon fall back to the basic energy level. In this case, the difference in energy levels should be the same for all atoms; thus, they all emit light at the same energy, i.e., frequency.

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Q: Why is an LED a more efficient source of light than a filament lamp?
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What part of the lamp converts electricity to light?

For a filament-type (incandescent) lamp, it's the filament.

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Usual condition, no power source or lamp filament open.

Is resistance in the filament of a lamp essential or not?

Yes, the resistance of the filament of a light bulb is what generates enough heat to make the filament glow and produce light.

What is an incandascent lamp?

Your standard light bulb where a filament is heated by a current passing through it. The heated filament then gives off light.

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All kinds of incandescent lamp, and all types of light bulb contains filament. But there are several kinds of filament applied each type of light bulb.

What type of electromagnetic wave does a filament lamp use?

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Is the brightness of a light bulb determined by its filaments?

Though there is a bit more to the story than this, yes, it is generally true that the brightness of a light bulb, sometimes called a lamp, is a function of its filaments. For a given voltage of operation, a less resistive filament will draw more current, run hotter and will glow more brightly (be more incandescent). A heavier, more resistive filament will draw less current, get less hot, and not produce as much light (be less incandescent). The former will run "hotter" as well as brighter, and the filament won't last as long, though it will be more efficient. The latter will not be quite as bright or as efficient, but the filament will have a longer operating life, and will probably be more shock resistant. Lamp filaments are usually made of tungsten, and these filaments are coiled to reduce evaporation of the metal when that metal is white hot. There is a "balance" engineered into the lamp to make it run "hotter" and more brightly to be more efficient, yet limit current somewhat, limit filament evaporation and extend the life of the lamp. Eventually, enough of the filament evaporates away in normal operation to create a "hot spot" that quickly degrades, and the filament fails. A link can be found below to learn more.

What are 3 source so light that are incandescence?

Incandescent means, 'to glow with heat' Light sources that involve this principle will include:- 1. An electric light bulb, with a filament inside 2. A gas lamp using a mantle 3. A candle 4. An oil lamp 5. The sun

What type of light build glows when a filament inside it gets hot?

Electric lamps having incandescent filaments.

What is the relationship between a filament and a battery?

They both are needed to run a lamp or a light bulb.

What happens to the energy when you turn on an electric lamp?

Electricity flows through the filament, resistance in the filament causes heat and light energy to be created.

What is the light source of a microscope also known as?

The "lamp"-no seriously, it is a lamp.