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Jews can eat whatever they wish. Can and may have different meanings, you'll learn that next year in school. Jews, like many religious people follow dietary restrictions. regardless they are still able to chew & swallow the food in question, should they so choose. Don't quit school yet!


The rules of kashrut forbid the consumption of blood.

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Blood itself isn't kosher.

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Q: Why is an egg with a blood spot not kosher?
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Is cheese pizza kosher?

An egg and cheese sandwich can be kosher if the the egg, cheese and any other ingredients are kosher and it was prepared in a kosher manner.

Are all pareve items kosher?

Eggs from any kosher bird (chicken, duck, etc) are kosher. However, you must check for blood spots in the eggs. If you find a blood spot, throw away the part of the egg that has blood, some people won't eat the whole egg. If the blood spot represents a chicken embryo growing in a fertilized egg or if there is a fertilized embryo in the egg, no part of the egg may be eaten. It is also worth noting that since ostriches are not kosher, ostrich eggs are not kosher either. The same applies to all non-kosher species of birds. Additionally, the rule that eggs of a kosher animal are kosher and eggs of a non-kosher animal are not kosher also applies to fish eggs.

Can you get diseases from swallowing blood from a chickens egg?

If you a referring to a small blood spot in an egg, absolutely not. The blood spots in an egg are produced by a small blood vessel break in the chickens oviduct as the egg is forming. It disappears when the egg is cooked, like the yolk, the blood spot is just protein and is not a carrier for disease. Most cooks remove the blood spot when noticed simply because it is not appealing to the eye of the consumer.

If a duck egg has a dark spot inside is it alive?

No, the dark spot is blood.

Does a red spot make an egg bad?

No, but it may mean it is fertile,or your hen has been sitting on it. Best not to eat it though. A small blood spot inside an egg is perfectly fine. The blood spot will disappear when the egg is cooked or you can simply remove the blood spot with a spoon prior to cooking. Blood spots appear because a small blood vessel breaks during the formation of the egg within the hen.

What does a little spot of blood in a chicken egg mean?

It means the egg was fertilized :\

Is egg roll kosher or non kosher?

Egg rolls made only with kosher ingredients and prepared in a kosher manner are kosher. Egg rolls with meat in them should not be used in a dairy meal and vice versa.

Is the red blood spot in a chicken egg a common happening?


What is blood spot mean on an egg?

While it is unusual for you to find a blood spot in an egg from the store, it is not unusual to find one from an egg purchased from a local eggs farm stand. Blood spots are simply a malfunction in the oviduct of the hen. As the egg forms, it is common for small blood vessels to break releasing a tiny amount of blood which is then visible either in the yolk or the albumen of the egg. Blood spot, while unappetizing to most consumers are not bad or dangerous and will disappear when cooked. Home cooks often work hard to remove the slightest bit of blood from the egg when cooking at home but I can assure you that most restaurants don't bother to remove a small blood spot when cooking your breakfast and you would never know once the egg is cooked and served.

How do you find out if there is a red spot inside a chicken egg?

No. What you are seeing is called a blood spot and this happens when a small blood vessel is broken while the egg is being formed. You cannot see the germinal disc of a fertilized egg unless you are very good at looking for them. The germinal disc sits atop the yolk and is so small as to be almost invisible until it begins to grow after incubation.

What are the dark specks inside chicken eggs?

These are called blood spots and can appear in either the white (albumen) or the yolk. This happens when a small blood vessel breaks in the birds oviduct and deposits a trace amount of blood onto the forming egg prior to the formation of the shell. This tiny spot of blood is not harmful and will disappear when cooking the egg. Most restaurants and home cooks remove this blood spot simply because it is unpleasing to look at but it will not harm you.

What to do with eggs with blood spots?

Often, when the yolk of the egg is released from the ovary of the hen, small blood vessels can rupture causing the blood spot. Blood spots are not harmful but if you are bothered by it or for aesthetics when serving the egg, you can remove the spot with a teaspoon before it cooks. Once cooked, the blood spot will usually disappear since cooking protein chemically changes it composition.