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The surgeon must remove a portion of rib cartilage in order to construct a framework for the missing ear, and children younger than five may not have enough cartilage.

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Q: Why is an otoplasty to correct microtia typically not performed on children under seven years of age?
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How many operations are required for otoplasty to correct microtia?

Otoplasty for microtia requires a series of three or four separate operations.

Osotplasty to correct microtia is usually begun at what age?

Otoplasty to correct microtia is usually started when the child is at least five years old.

What is accomplished during the second and third otoplasty procedures to correct microtia?

The second and third operations are done to shape the ear lobe and to raise the new ear into its final position.

What template does the surgeon work from in shaping the cartilage during an otoplasty to correct microtia?

The surgeon works from a template derived from photographs and computer models when he or she carves the cartilage into the desired shape.

What does the comprehensive follow-up treatment after microtia otoplasty plan include?

Following the diagnosis, a comprehensive treatment plan is made that includes long-term psychosocial as well as surgical follow-up.

Who is qualified to perform ostoplasties for microtia and prominent ears?

Otoplasties for microtia and prominent or deformed ears are specialized procedures performed only by qualified plastic surgeons.

What is done during the first operation of an otoplasty to correct microtia?

In the first operation, a piece of cartilage is removed from the child's rib cage on the side opposite the affected ear, so that the surgeon can use the natural curve of the cartilage in fashioning the new ear.

Why must microtia otoplasty be completed in phases instead of all at once?

The reconstruction of a missing ear must be done in several stages because the surgeon must allow for changes in the proportions of the child's face and skull as he or she matures and to make the new ear look as normal as possible.

Who makes the diagnosis of the birth defect known as microtia?

Diagnosis of microtia is made by the obstetrician or pediatrician at the time of the child's birth.

How many plastic surgeons perform otoplasties for microtia?

There are, however, relatively few plastic surgeons who perform otoplasties for microtia.

Common ear defects?

Anotia and Microtia

In what disorders does the birth defect known as microtia occur?

This type of birth defect is called microtia; it occurs in such disorders as hemifacial microsomia and Treacher Collins syndrome.