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Most people who have white or lighter skin tones tend to be from countries or cultures where people are pressured to be thin. While any one of any race, skin tone, enthic background, culture, ect. can develop anorexia and any other eating disorder, it does seem to be more common (70% to 80% of all cases) in western nations, which tend to be more caucasian.

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Q: Why is anorexia most common among caucasian?
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What ethnic group do anorexia affect the most?

While anorexia can affect a person of any ethnicity or race, it is most commonly seen in Caucasian lesbian women and gay men

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Stahl's deformity is found more often among Asian Americans than among Caucasian or African Americans.

Do males and females get anorexia?

Both males and feamles can get anorexia but it is most common in females .

When does anorexia often begin?

Anorexia is most common between the ages of 12 and 28.

What are two types of anorexia nervosa?

Wile there are multiple facts of anorexia, the two most common are restrictive and binge anorexia.

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Which is more common bulimia or anorexia?

Most of the time bulimia starts with anorexia, but then maybe they go to somewhere with a lot of food and they lose control and binge. To get rid of the calories they purge an then this becomes an addiction. Bulimia is much more common than anorexia because not all bulimics have anorexia, but most anorexics have bulimic tendencies.

Does anorexia primarily affect young adults?

Yes, anorexia is most common between the ages of 12 and 25.

Why is anorexia a common disease to women?

Anorexia is most common in women because most current societies focus a lot of attention on the appearances of women. Most commonly, society demands a thin and "beautiful" woman. Eating disorders, like anorexia, often develop as a result of women trying to unnaturally conform to these social standards.

What ailment is most common among pupils?

The most common ailment among any humans is the common cold.

What is the most common eating disorder in both male and females?

There are only two eating disorders- Anorexia and Bulemia. The most popular overall is Anorexia, by far, however it is predominately women who get it.

Anorexia is most likely to affect what group?

Anorexia is most likely to affect... * Females (90%, males are 10%) * Ages 12 to 28 (85%) * "Western" Society (2/3) * Upper- or middle-class (95%) 1 in 100 16-25 year old young women suffer from anorexia. 1 in 10 anorexics are male.